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Books on Colonial Beach

Colonial Beach has been written about and mentioned in books many times! This is not surprising, as this place has a long and colorful past - from early explorers and settlers to the Oyster Wars and beyond, there's much to say about Virginia's Potomac River Playground.

Here are some links to books on Colonial Beach and others which make mention of or are set in and around our fine little riverside resort area.

Colonial Beach is mentioned 15 times in The Life of P

: A Memoir of a Mother and a Nurse by Lee Rice

Pocketful of Fear by Fredericksburg-based horror writer Joseph Rubas is a collection of 40 short stories, many of which are set in and around Colonial Beach.

Our town was also written about in This Was Potomac River

by Frederick Tilp

Another one of the books on Colonial Beach is James Tigner's 2008 work, titled Colonial Beach, Virginia: Playground of the Potomac

which has great information about the history of Colonial Beach as well as tons of old photographs of people, places and events in town.

If you have any information on others which should be included on this page, please make it known so it can be added here. Also, if you are so inclined to write a novel about this great place, more power to ya! Be sure to let us know so we can help get the word out.

See a page on authors who have made Colonial Beach their home

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