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Boy Scouts Troop 258 in Colonial Beach

The Town of Colonial Beach Troop 258 of the Boy Scouts was formed in 1998, an extension of the local BSA Cub Scout Pack 258. Our Pack members are 1st thru 5th graders.

The Troop Flag was presented to the unit by a scout leader from nearby Troop 255 in Oak Grove. The flag had been used by a previous Troop 258 in the town of Colonial Beach some 20 years earlier.

There are currently seven active duty boy scouts ranging in age from 11 - 14. They're active in their schools, community, and churches, and they keep their grades up in school while participating in school sports; helping out with community activities like triathlons, EMT training exercises, Scouting for Food, Cub Scouts Olympics, etc.

There are four active duty adult scout leaders: 1 Scoutmaster, Two Assistant Scoutmasters, and our Committee Chairperson.

The New Venture Crew is a co-ed Unit for both male and female from ages 14 - 20. Local community organizations establish a Venturing crew by matching their people and program resources to the interests of young people in the community. Venturing is based on a unique and dynamic relationship between youth, adult leaders, and organizations in their communities. It provides positive experiences which help young people to mature and prepares them to become responsible and caring adults. The Veterans of Foreign Wars and Scouting promote the basic principles, the moral values, and the dedication to country and service to our fellow man that is and always has been important to both organizations.

  • Cub Scout Pack 258, sponsored by the Colonial Beach Baptist Church, Male Youth, from 1st through 5th grade. Cub Master, Kitty Norris
  • Boy Scout Troop 258, sponsored by the Colonial Beach Baptist Church, Male Youth, Male youth from age 11 through 17 years of age. Scout Master, Jimmy Musselman
  • Venture Crew 258, sponsored by VFW Post 10574, Male & Female youth age 14 through 20 years of age. Committee Chair, Frank Alger Adult Advisor, Karen Probst Return from Boy Scouts to Home
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