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Sep 02, 2015
Jelly Fish
by: Anonymous

The jelly fish were HORRIBLE today Sept 2nd 2015. We drove an hour to come spend the day at the beach and couldn't even get in the water. They are gigantic this year and I personally seen about 50 in the hour we were there. Unfortunately we ended up just leaving and coming back home to our public pool.

Aug 27, 2013
Jellyfish are not bad this year!
by: Caryn Self-Sullivan

No, the jelly fish are not bad this year. So far this year, I've seen one, washed up on the beach along Beach Avenue. I walk this beach daily, but, I haven't spent any time along the public beaches in town. There has been so much rain that the salinity is still quite low. Usually they start to come in by July 4th. I remember they were washed up all along the beach in early July because people used to blow them up with firecrackers on the 4th when I was a kid ;-(

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