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Save Doc's Motor Court

by Martin

I'm not sure if my words will mean anything to you and I'm not sure if you will understand them.
My name is Martin Schmidt Jr and my great grandfather Horace Bennett Derrick started a family tradition that has was born in Colonial Beach. My great grandfather was a nobal man. He was a Captain in the United States Marine Corps. He was a Free Mason, a high ranking official in the Department of Agricultural in the state of Maryland, but most of all he was a family man. My great grandfather found this amazing little town and loved to walk the beach looking for sea shells and sharks teeth. Mrs. Caruthers would share stories of my Great grandfather walking the beach wearing a pith helmet. lol
So what is my point?
It's Doc's Motor Court and what this place and this town means to so many people. Our memories run deep like swimming inside the nets, the old amusement park, the corner store with things hanging all over the wall, the water slide, the casino, Parkers and so much more. This was all singled around Doc's Motor Court, the place is a landmark. My great grandparents, my grandmother, my parents would take us kids to this town and stay at Doc's. When I met the girl I wanted to marry I booked a room at Doc's so she could experience it. This was a step back in time sort of place. The walls are filled with memories of hundreds of families and couples. As my wife and I started having kids we wanted to also take our children to Doc's and have them experience Colonial Beach.
Doc's Motor Court sits vacant but it's still alive in all of us that know it. I'm not sure why the town has slowly drifted away, maybe the Bay Bridge did divert people to a different beach. Can the powers to be not see that Doc's Motor Court makes the town. If these doors never open again all will be lost. Please save Doc's Motor Court and this town. Bring the families back, keep the traditions.

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Jul 14, 2024
Docs reunion gathering NEW
by: Mark

If anyone is reading this, do you think we could have a reunion gathering of people who loved Docs like many of us do? Let's pick a date for a picnic either in the parking lot or in front at the beach. I'd think it would be fun to share stories of the motel and the Caruthers. Anyone with me?

Jun 15, 2024
Sad loss
by: Anonymous

Just heard it's going to be torn down due to black mold. Sad day!

Apr 29, 2024
Response to Leslie's post
by: Mark

Thanks for the post explaining Docs last year's. I wondered about that. I refound Colonial Beach after 50 years after seeing the video about Miss Ellie and Docs. I returned to sadly find out she had passed. That was such an amazing place made that way by Doc and Ellie. I hope the new owners will find a way to reopen. I'd love to stay one more time again after all these years.

Apr 08, 2024
A place I LOVED
by: Leslie

Spent a few week during the years of staying a Doc’s, and always had to be there for the 4th. Of July ( wouldn’t miss it).
Couldn’t wait to get there from Pittsburgh, Pa and so anxious to see Doc and Miss Ellie. Our rooms were always ready for us as many of our friends were slowly showing up for a grand time.
Doc would show me many of his thousands of pictures he had on his computer and he would teach me how to do things on my computer.

I loved to sit in the morning with Miss. Ellie in the chairs across from the office, loved listening to all her special stories. We all pitched in and did what we could to help out around the Motel, weeding Miss Ellie’s flower beds, stripping our own beds, sometimes even help with the laundry.

There were many times we would all pitch in and go buy a big box of crabs and set up the picnic table in Doc and Ellie’s yard at their house, and crack and eat crab till we were stuffed. Miss Ellie would help us all crack crab and bring Doc a nice big plate full into the house, at that time Doc wasn’t getting around to good, but he enjoyed the crab also.

One of the last times we were there Doc was pretty bad and Miss Ellie wanted us to come over to the house and see him, she just knew he would love that, we did and it was really hard for all of us, soon after we learned Doc passed away and Miss Ellie wasn’t sure if she was going to open up soon after or not.

Miss Doc’s Motor Court and all the special friends we had made there overtime and so glad to have had the chance to know and LOVE , Doc and Miss Ellie, will always be in my special memories and in my heart.

Aug 02, 2022
Our family tradition at Doc & Ellies
by: Gordon Woodrow

During the 50’s my parents would drive us from West Chester Pa. We had the greatest times , fried chicken dinners and breakfasts at the Flamingo. The general store across the street.
Speedboat rides in a CrisCraft owned buy a successful turkey farmer friend of Doc and Ellie.
Years later on a business trip, I took a detour and visited them at their house. They remembered us and Ellie especially had such nice things to say about my mother.
Ellie was a wonderful woman. Part of me will always be in Colonial Beach. Thank you for providing this space to remember such mice people.

Jan 28, 2020
by: Anonymous

Is Docs for sale?

Mar 09, 2019
Colonial Beach is no longer
by: Anonymous

Mrs. Carruther's has passed away. She was a very dear friend of mine and my family. There is reasons beyond what anyone should know as to why Doc's remained closed for awhile. Ellie was a great woman, friend, and guided me through life. I worked at Doc's during the summer. My mom worked at Doc's when she was growing up. We love her and miss her dearly. However, Colonial Beach is not what it was when any of us was little. I moved away from there when my family started to give them a better chance. Be thankful that you have the memories of Doc's. It's a wonderful thing.

Jun 03, 2018
Leave the Owner Alone
by: Anonymous

The place is not what it use to be everything has changed. Stop trying to find out how to buy this Motel it is the owners and let her be. If she wanted to sell she will. The stories are not going to have the owner sell it to you so you can just turn around and make a profit. Very Sad trying to buy it when the owner does not want to sell.

Aug 27, 2017
My husband and I would like to buy/run get hold of owner
by: Anonymous

If you any one knows how to get hold of owner and her son please let me know. PM me on facebook. Kelli D. Gatewood. My husband and I are obessed with the motel, it's history and would like to continue that tradition of hospitality in Colonial Beach. Kelli D Gatewood

Aug 19, 2017
Doc's Motir Court
by: Anonymous

Would someone PLEASE SAVE Doc's Motor Court. Go to you tube and watch the video on her story. We love Mrs Caruthers, and so many memories are at this location. Someone has to spark the passion. We loved this place just the way it was.

Feb 24, 2017
Thank you for loving Colonial Beach, VA
by: Sandy Conner

Doc's Motor Court is a landmark for sure - I could feel the lives wrapped up in loving Doc's Motor Court and our Town. Most of us born/raised/visiting Colonial Beach feel the same way. I do not know what it would take to make it special again. So many special places have been torn down. I don't think just a movie theater would help. Hardly anything is open past 8:30 pm. I feel this person's cry, I hope someone is listening.

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