Coming Saturday, Dec. 2, 2023! It starts at dark.
2017 marked the first annual Lighted Jeep Parade in Colonial Beach. The staging area was Dockside Restaurant and what a sight it was to see!
The route included Monroe Bay Avenue up towards the water tower and 7-Eleven and Irving Avenue. Folks all along the route cheered on the more than 30 entries.
The Jeeps ended up right back at Dockside where folks enjoyed some great live music by Kristen and The Noise and more merriment. There was even a toasty bonfire out back.
The event took place the same weekend as the Town's Winter Festival and just after the annual Lighted Boat Parade, in which about half a dozen boats participated.
Be sure to catch or participate in this event next year as it is sure to become a regular part of holiday festivities in Colonial Beach.
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